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// About

Our research group
is engaged in

research in the field of biomechanics and assistive technologies, with a focus on the recording and processing of physiological and biomechanical data. Furthermore, for example, the design of electronic systems and methods for the measurement and evaluation of biomedical data.


The team consists of experts from different scientific fields.

Fast development

Efficient implementation of the final solution.

// technological index

We deliver solutions to
establish trusted relationships

// our services

We offer a wide
range of services

Hardware development

Design and development of hardware for specific needs. Development of compact systems for biosignal measurement.

Movement kinematics

Recording, processing and evaluation of motion kinematics from camera, accelerometer and other systems.

Software development

Design and development of biomedical software for e.g. assistive devices or advanced data analysis and collection.

Force and moment effects

Recording, processing and evaluation of force and moment effects, for example by strain gauge systems.

Biomedical data

Recording, processing and evaluation of various biomedical data, including ECG, EMG, EEG, EDA, RSP.

Assistive devices

Design and development of mechanical parts of assistive tools (SolidWorks, Fusion360, MatLab, Julia and others)

UI/UX Design

Build the product you need on time with an experienced team that uses a clear and effective design process.

Dedicated Team

Build the product you need on time with an experienced team that uses a clear and effective design process.

// We bring more than just industry skills

We enjoy science and research!

// news

Latest posts

Testing our sensors in the field. When developing smart vests, we need to verify their practical usability in action. Therefore, in cooperation with the Czech army (Armáda České republiky) and the University of Defence (Univerzita obrany), we took part in a combat exercise of the Commandos unit in the Březina military base. During the event, we monitored the health status of individual team members using the developed devices. Testování našich senzorů v poli. Při vývoji chytrých vest potřebujeme ověřit jejich praktickou použitelnost v akci. Proto jsme se ve spolupráci s Armáda České republiky a Univerzita obrany účastnili bojového cvičení jednotky Commandos ve vojenském újezdu Březina. Během akce jsme pomocí vyvíjených zařízení sledovali zdravotní stav jednotlivých členů týmu.


We participated in the Space4Health workshop organized by the Italian Embassy In Prague, Czech Republic. The aim of the workshop was to deepen cooperation between Italy and the Czech Republic in space research. Jan Hejda, Ph.D. spoke in a round table where he presented the group's research objective in the field of medical technologies for space applications. Petr Volf, Ph.D. and Marek Sokol presented the current activities of our group related to the field of human health in space. The event was also attended by Italian astronaut Roberto Vittori and Czech astronaut backup team member Aleš Svoboda. Thank you very much for this opportunity! Zúčastnili jsem se workshopu Space4Health organizovaného Italskou ambasádou v Praze. Cílem workshopu bylo prohloubení spolupráce mezi Itálií a Českou republikou v kosmickém výzkumu. Jan Hejda vystoupil v rámci kulatého stolu, kde představil výzkumný cíl skupiny v oblasti zdravotnických technologií pro vesmírné aplikace. Petr Volf a Marek Sokol prezentovali současné aktivity naší skupiny související s oblastí lidského zdraví ve vesmíru. Akce se rovněž zúčastnil Italský astronaut Roberto Vittori a Český člen záložního týmu astronautů Aleš Svoboda. Moc děkujeme za tuto příležitost!


Our student, Veronika Kotolová, presented the methodology of exercise and measurement of physical activity in an isolated environment including her personal experience on a 24-hour mission at the conference Moderní postupy v distanční péči a rehabilitačním lékařství (Modern Practices in Distance Care and Rehabilitation Medicine). The project was carried out in collaboration with Project Hydronaut Hydronaut and the team of Professor Wei-Chun Hsu from 國立臺灣科技大學 National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Naše studentka, Ing. Veronika Kotolová, prezentovala metodiku cvičení a měření fyzické aktivity v izolovaném prostřední včetně své osobní zkušenosti na 24 hodinové misi na konferenci Moderní postupy v distanční péči a rehabilitačním lékařství. Projekt byl realizován ve spolupráci s Hydronautem a týmem profesorky Wei-Chun Hsu z NTUST.


Dear colleagues, We would like to wish you a Happy Holiday and much personal and professional success in the New Year 2024. BAT Team


Little Moon City Opening Otevření Little Moon City #BAT #MoonCity #LittleMoonCity #Hydronaut